What Are the Worst Features of Windows 11?

windows 11 worst features

Windows 11 has several new features, including the ability to customize your start menu. This is a great feature, but many users are disappointed that it has a huge amount of choices and is difficult to use. This article will look at some of the best ways to customize your Start menu and make the most of this new OS.

Windows 11 Worst Features

You may also want to check out some downloadable software to help you bypass the Show More Options limitation in Windows 11.

Start menu


This is probably the biggest complaint, but the Start menu is still too small. There is no option to customize the size of the Start Menu, and you can’t even change the font. You can’t change the size of the taskbar. Another complaint is the lack of app folders, which is supposed to come back in version 22H2. The chat function and the Switch Desktop feature have been pinned to the taskbar, but they’re both broken. Thankfully, they’re coming back in a few weeks.

The Start menu is the biggest disappointment. Windows 11 has lost the classic touch of the previous version. It no longer has live tiles or the ability to be full screen. There’s also no app folder, and the app menu isn’t accessible with any key. The app folder feature was removed from Windows 10, but is due to return in version 22H2. There’s no way to unpin a pinned application or to switch desktops.



The taskbar isn’t where it used to be. Microsoft wants it to be at the bottom of the screen instead of on the side. Before, it was possible to move the taskbar to the bottom of the screen, but Windows 11 has removed that option. This isn’t a big deal, but it’s certainly a change. You can still change the size of the Start Menu, but the default wallpaper looks like a wad of blue crepe paper. This makes it look like a beta product.

Windows 11 users will notice is the new taskbar. In previous versions of Windows, the taskbar was on the top and at the bottom of the screen. With this new version, the taskbar is only available at the bottom of the screen. You can’t drag files to the taskbar. There are a few other changes that make Windows 11 more usable. The most significant change is the removal of the built-in weather widget.

Static icons


There are plenty of other changes in Windows 11. Microsoft has ditched the live tiles in favor of static icons, which makes OneNote impossible to use. It has removed the app folder feature, and it is set to come back in version 22H2. Having a top and center screen is essential for using Windows apps. The new Windows version also eliminates the Timeline feature. It’s hard to use a browser with Windows Ink.


Default Applications


Default application are those apps we use a lot such as such as google chrome but you notice that in windows 11 Microsoft made it hard to settings up default application. It feels like windows 11 is forcing us to use Microsoft edge browser.


TPM 2.0 Encryption


TPM 2.0 encryption is a great step forward for protecting your data on the go. Microsoft’s director of enterprise and system security wrote a blog post explaining the benefits of this new technology and explaining that TPMs are needed in future PCs. The TPM has been around for nearly two decades and is an integral part of many PCs today. The TPM version 2.0 is the latest version and is standard on all new PCs.

TPM 2.0 encryption can be used to protect sensitive information stored on a device. TPMs require SHA-256 for the SHA-256 algorithm. The TPM also supports HMAC, RSA, ECC with Barreto-Naehrig 512-bit curve, Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA), and 128-bit AES for data encryption. These algorithms are compatible with most modern computers.

TPM 2.0 encryption works with a hardware and software combination to secure sensitive data. These chips are used to store encryption keys, passwords, and certificates. They are more secure than software, and they are required by many organizations and governments. They also help media companies manage their digital rights and distribute content. Though originally targeted at large enterprises, TPM is now being used on laptops as well. This is because TPMs are now a must-have feature for a safe, secure computing environment.

Some TPM chip-based PCs are available in the market today. This chip is typically managed by IT departments in enterprise devices. However, some users will need to update their computer hardware or upgrade their laptop in order to use TPM features. TPM chips are available on the market today and can be enabled in BIOS settings. Some major notebook manufacturers also include software applications for the TPM technology. There are several benefits to TPM, but the biggest is that the TPM is a more secure option than conventional security solutions.

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